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v.d. Mauritshoek

        Tadic is a shorter and bulkier style male, weighing in at around 80 lbs. This guy is a truly masculine male with a big presence and an even bigger bark, but at the same time a wonderful addition to our home with his fun loving nature and eagerness to please. From day one he was instantly a dog who would sleep up on the bed, and connected with Jennifer right away as her shadow. 


       We are so excited to see what Tadic brings to our breeding program here, as he is not only jaw-droppingly beautiful, but from amazing european bloodlines that are highly desirable! His father is the incredible VA Ibor vom Hühnegrab, which is where he gets his masculine and expressive head from. Continuing on his father's side you will find 4x VA Spencer di Casa Massarelli, son of the famous VA1 Groovy di Casa Massarelli, and continuing onto some familliar names that we love: 6x VA Vegas du haut Mansard, VA Furbo Degli Achei, VA Omen Radhaus, 2x VA1 Remo v. Fichtenschlag, and so on! On his mother's side you see an equally amazing pedigree with dogs like VA Nero von Ghattas, VA1 Gary vom Hühnegrab, VA Etoo aus Wattenscheid, the beloved to us VA Paer vom Hasenborn, and VA Omen v. Radhaus.


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